All the jam participants were given the same inspiration - insert sound of  water drop  here - and we all ideated on multiple, unrelated topics, with a  post-it brainstorming  session across a dozen whiteboards. 
 On the second day, we formed groups (my group was called Team Rubber Ducky), with my group focusing on  resource scarcity  in the city, and how to get resources to those without.   We started our project by going out for brief  field research
 Beginning the service design process, we developed a  positioning statement  and  stakeholder map .   We also made an ideal  journey map  based on our visit and interview, focusing on addressing the concerns we learned about and how to  overcom
 We also crafted  personas , focusing on not diminishing people to only one element and identifying possible situations and personal barriers to access.   Although our project was a  non-traditional  proposal, the  business model canvas  we
 One major goal of our team was to not only ideate and design a tool, but also create a  physical prototype  of our design.  Using the limited resources at the jam, we first created a  low fidelity  physical prototype, and after  testing  made some m
 Our  final iteration  is a rotating repository that would be placed in accessible locations for both resource sharers and receivers.   The categories were Nourish, Protect, Inspire, and Cleanse, and are explained in the  video  below with our f
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