Once I had chosen US drone strikes as my topic, I researched and analyzed related projects to create a  Competitive Analysis . 
 Once I knew key aspects of what I wanted to include in my project, I formed a  low fidelity prototype , with limited interactions and a basic  user interface .
 After receiving feedback from peers, I needed to better organize the interaction pattern, so I created a  storyboard  that laid out the screen by screen flow of the simulation.    The storyboard helped to take advantage of the  affordances
 After additional  user testing,  my final iteration of the simulation incorporated  real world data  tied into choices the user made, including targets, casualties, and locations.  The UI was also updated to have more  transparent and responsiv
 Future goals of the design include  incorporating education  of how drone strikes are conducted and casualties tallied, and adding narrative elements to  increase immersion  for the interactor. 
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